Main partners of the museum:


Perm-36 Memorial Museum of History of Political Repression held a number of academic workshops which involved researchers and former political prisoners from various regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The center’s staff:

Discovered major packages of archival documents on history of GULAG, political repression, and Soviet totalitarianism.

Tens of cassettes of evidence and recollections were within the Spoken History program.

Unique documents and artifacts were obtained from archives of political prisoners of the 1960s through 1980s and Stalin-era political repression victims.

Main information on history and routine of Perm political camps, and on everyday life of prisoners thereof was discovered.

The Memorial Center’s staff undertook regular research/collection trips to work in public and departmental archives of Perm Territory, Moscow and other regions of Russia, and summer field expeditions to GULAG camp division sites.

Together with the research information center of Memorial International Society (Moscow) and the Krasnoyarsk branch of Memorial, an expedition to camp sites of Magadan Region was undertaken.

Together with the Kama archeological expedition, excavations were undertaken at former camp sites. Artifacts and documents were discovered and collected by the Memorial Center’s mobile exhibition service staff who undertook expeditions even to the most remote and retired settlements of the region.
