Main partners of the museum:


During the twenty-year existence of Perm-36 Memorial Museum of History of Political Repression, more than twenty exhibits, fixed and mobile exhibitions were designed and set up. Back in 1995, when the museum was opened, the first exhibition, the ‘Dissident Movement in USSR and Perm Political Camps’, and then the ‘Maximum-Security Prisoners’ exhibit was displayed in the maximum-security hut.

Very much was contributed to creation of exhibits and exhibitions, development of in-house exhibitional stylistics and program of the museum by Yuri Reshetnikov, the merited designer of Russia, the Chief Artist of the RF State Literature Museum. He and the Memorial Center’s designer developed, designed and set up the exhibitions which had much success not only in the museum but also in other cities of the country, including Moscow, in the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (the former Museum of the Revolution), and abroad.

Virtually all exhibitions which were set up by Perm-36 Memorial Museum of History of Political Repression were stored in the museum and taken over by the authorities of Perm Territory in 2014. The current fate of these exhibitions is unknown.
