Main partners of the museum:


The action group was aware of the value of the unmatched moment, the only surviving one of many hundreds of the GULAG camp sites, and got down to conserving, preserving, restoring and repairing the buildings and structures of the former Perm-36 camp in 1994. All work was carried out by a building/repair team recruited by the activists themselves, according to projects and under supervision of Perm developmental restoration shops.
The repair and restoration was much assisted by Memorial’s international volunteer camps, Ural-Service Perm Youth Student Union, and the student building team of Perm Polytechnic Institute.
In the beginning of 2020th  the restoration program was within the reach of completion. In  summer of 2011, repairing of the last old camp buildings started. However, this work remained unfinished: in 2012, the new regional authorities defunded it completely.
