Main partners of the museum:


RF President’s Resolution, and establishment of an incompetent Museum Council

by балабанова

The subsequent events were initiated by Tatyana Margolina, the human rights ombudswoman for Perm Territory, Vladimir Lukin, the RF human rights ombudsman and the RF President’s Councilor, and Mikhail Fedotov, the Chairman of the RF President’s Council for Civil Society Development and Human Rights personally addressing Vladimir Putin, the RF President.
After these addresses, Vladimir Putin ordered Vyacheslav Volodin, the First Deputy Head of his Executive Office and offered Vladimir Lukin to deal with the issue. Vyacheslav Volodin held a meeting involving leading Russian human rights activists of the Administration of the Governor of Perm Territory then offered cooperation to Perm-36 Memorial Center’s management.
As a result, the museum’s development was decided to be returned to joint format involving the Memorial Center and the PI while changing the PI management. It was also decided to establish the Council for Development of Perm-36 Memorial Museum of History of Political Repression.
The Council comprised representatives of the Memorial Center and those of the authorities of Perm Territory on a par including a representative of Volga Federal District. Vladimir Lukin was elected Chairman of the Council as proposed by Vyacheslav Volodin.
Discussion of the Council’s draft charter documents failed to bring about a consensual decision at the Council’s first meeting in October, 2014 so acceptance of the documents was postponed.
After that, the Council never met again.