Main partners of the museum:


The mobile exhibition service

by балабанова

The mobile exhibition service of Perm-36 Memorial Museum had several mobile thematic exhibitions, audiovisual equipment sets, collections of newsreels, documentaries, docudramas and slideshows on the XX-cent. Russian history.
The museum staff went out on regular expeditions, traveling all over Perm Territory and reaching the remotest villages where there had been no cultural activity for many years.
They rolled out two or three exhibitions in village clubs and high schools, gave excursions around the exhibitions, held classes on the ‘Lessons of History in the GULAG Museum’, discussions and outreach meetings, displayed slideshows and films, lectured while also interviewing in the course of the ‘Oral History’ program, collecting materials and exhibits.
The expeditions involved the lawyers from the Regional Board of Rehabilitation of Victims of Illegal Political Repression who gave advice to repression victims and their relatives.
‘The mobile exhibition service’ photo gallery