Main partners of the museum:


The public-private partnership of Perm-36 Memorial Museum

by балабанова

Perm-36 Memorial Museum of History of Political Repression only came into its own due to a vast circle of assistants, partners, friend and mere sympathizers, and continuous, until 1992, support from the authorities of Perm Territory.
The first head of Perm Territory, Boris Kuznetsov supported establishment and functioning of Ural-GULAG, an independent research information center which studied the history of repression and political camps in Perm territory for two yearsт, prepared a conservation/restoration program for the former Perm-36 camp, and established the Memorial Museum of History of Political Repression there.
As the museum evolved, an unmatched public-private partnership came into being.
In 1994, when the first museum-building entity, Perm-36 Memorial Museum of History of Political Repression Limited Liability Company (LLC) was registered, the Administration of Perm Region, along with Perm Division of Memorial, became its founder, on personal order from the Governor, Gennady Igumnov.
In 2001, when the LLC was restructured into Perm-36 Memorial Museum of History of Political Repression Autonomous Non-for-Profit Organization (ANO), the Administration of Perm Territory once again became its cofounder on order from the Governor, Yuri Trutnev.
Oleg Chirkunov’s initiatives as the Governor aimed to get the museum go all-new and global.
Within the partnership, the Government of Perm Territory kept on owning the former cap’s entire immovable property thus being able to co-finance the restoration and current maintenance of the museum from the regional budget while the ANO raised extrabudgetary funds for research/collecting activities, creation of exhibits and exhibitions, design arrangement.
Establishment and development of the museum was greatly contributed to by its core group: the Museum’s Council and Board comprised A.I. Solzhenitsyn, V.P. Astafyev, A.I. Ginzburg, S.A. Kovalyov, L.M. Timofeyev, A.K. Simonov, A.B. Roginsky, A.Yu. Daniel, hundreds and hundreds of the museum’s friends helped it a lot by putting their talents, energy and souls into it.