Main partners of the museum:

The high-security barracks have been waiting for repairs to be completed for more than a decade. Spring 2023

In 2012, the new authorities of Perm Region, headed by the Governor newly appointed by Moscow, denied funding for repairs of the former camp’s buildings and constructions.  During more than two years  Perm-36 Memorial Center proceeded with certain crucial restorations and conservations from extrabudgetary funds, raised independently, but these activities were also discontinued in 2014, after the museum was taken over by the state. 

The previous repairings allow to preserve the Memorial Center  for some years,  unless any contingencies occur. However,  discontinuation of systematic monitoring at least of three objects, i.e.  the former camp’s bath/laundry, the smithy and the manufactories, initially  started by Perm-36 Memorial Center but stopped when the museum was taken over,  is of serious concern.  The intention of  new regional authorities to defund the repairings of the Memorial will unevitably result in irreparable losses.

Most of the worry is that these incompletely repaired objects are in danger of fast degradation. The camp fences are also decaying.

Ice on the floor in workshops. Spring 2023
Shingles prepared for plastering in 2013. Spring 2023
Fencing in the zone of special regime. Spring 2023