Main partners of the museum:

After the raider seizure of the Memorial Museum of the History of Political Repression “Perm-36” and the subsequent self-liquidation of the Autonomous non-profit Organization “Memorial Center for the History of Political Repression “Perm-36”, which created this museum, its board, management and leading employees continued their work as an informal initiative group “Memorial Center “Perm-36”. The work was focused primarily in the research, exhibition and exhibition and project areas. It was a work on the study of the history of political repression in the USSR, the history of the GULAG and the history of Perm political camps. Databases “Prisoners of Perm political camps”, “Chronicle of extraordinary events of Perm political camps” are being developed and updated. Books “Perm-36″ have been written and published. Prehistory” and “Perm-36: Chronicle of New Repressions”, which continued the museum series “Topography of Terror – the History of Political repression”. Work continues on the reference book “Perm political camps”. Within the framework of the project “Civil Seasons”Perm Memorial Days” in 2015-2020, new exhibitions were built and exhibited. In continuation of the traditions of the International Civil Forum “Pilorama”, concerts of the author’s civil song and poetry readings were held, new performances were shown, new documentaries were shown, round tables, discussions, lectures and meetings, presentations of new books were held.